My mother is a housewife while having her own plastic household stall at the morning with the age of 44years old and is a diabetic person. Usually felt tired with no spirit and no interest to do house works or even moving her leg to somewhere else, which can so called "lazy". Neighbors and even customers have the same impression-always sleep at her own counter and will only wake her up when customers visit, at that time.
With the waist of 39 inches, she could not find the size she dreamed and clothes that preferred. Her daughter knew as a lady love to make herself become more prettier and presentable which is a natural of a lady even my mother always comfort us by saying: "Never mind, a big cloth more comfortable and can cover my big tummy." But we know, that's not the true. =)
TRA came into her life at 3 months ago which introducing by her daughter, that's me..hehe..what's a great product that I can't wait to bring back to improve her health! During this 3 months, from 1st Nov 09 to 31st Jan 10, my mother was not obedient due to glutton..hehe..yes, we know, most of the persons also cannot control it. Morning she ate 2 whole-wheat bread, afternoon- trimshake but at night when she can eat whatever she love, hehehehe..bak kut teh, tom yam, yong tau foo...wah! But, she still able to reduce 4.2 kg on the body weight and 10cm of her waist! Result will be more excellent if she follow through all the instructions!
Yea,the lovely part of this product is no rebound nd my mother become more and more slender even she had stopped the program for 2 weeks! She can wear pants under the 36-inch instead of 39 inches!Now my pretty and cute mama can wear her cloth on young age and always prepare herself with smaller size cloth.
This is the power of TRA! Thanks for the scientists and nuskin, come experience it youself for the amazing part on TRA! No matter you are single, married, divorced......opps...sorry, no matter you are having problem on tummy, leg or want get a more healthier body, TRA is the right choice. =P